Peter Liese: Balanced proposal by the Commission, but things have to be clarified

Today, Dr. Peter Liese (EPP), the European Parliament's rapporteur on the European Commission's so called Stopping the Clock proposal presented his draft report which now goes into the parliamentary procedure. "In principle I welcome the Commission proposal and recommend a quick adoption, but some points need to be clarified", Liese stated.

The current legislation on the inclusion of aviation in the EU ETS covers all flights starting and/or landing in Europe and third country airlines participate in the ETS when they start and/or land in Europe. Because of significant process in the International Civil Aviation Organization towards a global scheme the European Commission presented in December a proposal to suspend the application of the EU ETS for intercontinental flights.

"It has to be clarified that an application of the scheme only inside the EU cannot be an option for more than one year. We have to be very clear about that. Any distortion of competition must be prevented. There must be equal treatment for all airlines flying the same routes ", Liese said.

It has also to be clarified what the EU expects from the next ICAO Assembly this autumn. Not any result can be seen as satisfactory. "A global agreement that satisfactory covers airlines' emissions will not be in place by the end of 2013. That is why in the meantime we need a framework for regional and national schemes. I welcome the substantial progress under ICAO that shows that it was very important that the European Union took a firm stand point. But we need to be flexible. Already in the existing legislation it is indicated that we are ready to amend our legislation when a global agreement is reached", Liese concluded.

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