Peter Liese: "No more excuse for third countries"
The European Parliament's Environment Committee voted with a huge majority for the Stop the Clock Proposal of the European Commission concerning Emissions Trading for Aviation. The vote has been prepared in cooperation with the Parliament's Transport Committee so that it reflects a broad majority of all concerned committees.
The committee also voted for a mandate to have immediate negotiations with the representatives of the member states in the Council. The legislation needs to be finally adopted before 30th April because otherwise the European Commission is forced to implement the existing legislation which has caused a lot of opposition in third countries like the US, China and Russia.
The Commission has proposed to stop the clock for intercontinental flights, for all aviation companies (third country airlines and EU airlines) to use the momentum that was created at the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO). In September ICAO will meet at its tri annual general assembly to seek a solution for a global measure to address the emissions from airlines. The ENVI Committee adopted several clarifications and made clear that the Stop the Clock will definitely not apply for more than one year and it asks for aclear earmarking so that the revenues should be spent on purpose to mitigate climate change.
"The vote today is a clear signal that the European Union wants an international solution. There are no more excuses for third countries not to engage in the issue. Third countries have given the impression that it is the European Union that stands in the way but we will see if they have enough commitment. I appeal especially to US President Obama who has been awarded with the Peace Nobel Prize among others for his engagement in climate change and to State Secretary Kerry who had introduced the Kerry- Liberman-bill in the Senate which had foreseen emissions trading for the US economy including aviation. They loose all the credibility if they continue opposing a solution in this important area", said the rapporteur of the European Parliament, Peter Liese, a German Christian-democrat.
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