Objection of communists rejected
The European Parliament Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety backed the compromise on glyphosate on Tuesday morning. The Members of the European Parliament rejected the objection of the communist group, which called for an immediate ban of glyphosate. The environmental policy spokesman, Dr. Peter Liese, of the EPP-Group in the European Parliament welcomed the result: “The European Parliament voted already last year for timely limited extension of the approval of glyphosate with specific conditions. Even if I could have imagined some details differently, the appeal committee followed the parliament’s recommendations yesterday. The original proposal of the Commission, namely 15 years renewal, was as wrong as the request for an immediate ban of glyphosate. Glyphosate must be subject to strict conditions and I hope that we will find an alternative in the coming years. However, I believe that if it is used according to strict rules its application is acceptable.”