Speed up permitting processes and introduce a task force for CO2 markets in third countries
“For us as EPP Group, two things are particularly important. Firstly, we must speed up permitting processes so that companies that want to invest in the energy transition can do so quickly. Secondly, the Commission must set up a task force to help third countries to introduce emissions trading systems like in the EU so that truly global climate protection can be achieved," said Dr. Peter Liese, environmental spokesperson for the largest political group in the European Parliament (EPP, Christian Democrats), on the occasion of the publication of the report "Towards EU climate neutrality: progress, policy gaps and opportunities" by the European Scientific Advisory Board on Climate Change. “Many companies want to invest in the energy transition, but despair at the complicated permitting procedures and the lack of a legal basis. Like cement, lime can only be made climate-neutral by capturing, transporting and storing CO2, for example. However, we are still lacking a clear legal framework for these activities, in Germany, for example they are even illegal. We urgently need the Net-Zero Industry Act to be adopted quickly in accordance with the European Parliament’s position, i.e. support for all projects that serve climate protection and not just selected projects."
The most important climate protection measure of all time would be the introduction of a task force to assist third countries in the introduction of emissions trading systems. “Many third countries are interested in our system and would like to adopt it. The Directorate-General CLIMA is flooded with requests, but cannot cope with all of them. This is certainly related to the introduction of the CO2 border adjustment mechanism CBAM. We can only protect the climate worldwide and that is why much more effort must now be put into international work," explained MEP Peter Liese.
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